Monday, January 1, 2007

A New Year's Resolution Gets the Ax

Hallelujah. The NY Times has exonerated me by declaring "messy closet owners are probably better parents and nicer and cooler than their tidier counterparts" in this story (subscription required).

The article talks about how more creative people with limber minds are more likely to have messy desks, among other things. This is nothing new, except it confirms something most of us have thought for a long time: if your house is too clean, then you probably don't have a life. The beauty of seeing this in print is it allows us to let go of the guilt many of us feel when we look around at our cluttered lives. Each piece of clutter is actually a sign of a life well lived. Looking around this New Year's Day, I see toys, several party hats that we made with Esme last night, an empty bottle of Dom Perignon, and the remains of a delicious breakfast. I realize I live a very full life indeed.

I guess I can cross off the New Year's Resolution that says try to be cleaner. Nice.

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