Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Baby Time

Mornings are supposed to be my productive time at home. Esme goes to daycare and Emil just hangs out. I should be working on stories and pitches and doing household chores, but instead, I find myself hanging out with Emil. He doesn't need to cry to get my attention. When he's awake and alert, I want to be there with him. It's fun to watch him swing his arms and kick his legs, wide-eyed at the world around him.

But it's a different pace, hanging out with a baby. I just sit there, and enjoy changing facial expressions, the way he moves his head at the sound of my voice. It's like slowing down, reminiscent of my childhood, hot summer days in Kentucky, where you don't want to do anything but sit on the porch and drink iced tea, rocking back and forth. Emil smiles at me and sometimes manages a coo, those first explorations of voice. I like this slow time. Baby time.

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