Friday, December 1, 2006

Store-bought Patience

Ah, both children (and even the dog!) are napping, leaving me a moment to myself. It's been one of those days that no matter how hard I try to be the model parent, I feel like I'm drowning. After thoroughly cleaning the house yesterday, it looks like a hurricane went through it today. That would be Hurricane Esme.

In trying to get things done while entertaining Esme, we did lots of projects together today. She helped me wrap presents, and for the most part I was very patient. But there were a few times that I just snapped and found myself raising my voice in frustration (like when she practically climbed up onto the dining room table and ripped the wrapping paper trying to grab it and the present I was wrapping). It's impossible to be a perfect parent, and while I got control of myself quickly, I was mad at myself for letting my temper flare. Then the thought crossed my mind that if I can't even keep my cool with my own children, how will I ever find a child care provider who can? Yes, I've been thinking about childcare lately as I face the fact that my writing career will stall completely unless I have more time to write.

In the meantime, is it possible to buy an extra store of patience for those times that I run out?

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