Wednesday, December 6, 2006

People in Progress

I was holding Emil today, and he was fully smiling and cooing at me. He has filled in (I should say "rounded out"), changing from the emaciated newborn look to the chubby baby look. But he is also focusing more on objects and studying the world around him. He was fascinated by my shadow art on the wall above his changing table.

Then I looked at Esme. It's almost impossible to believe that she was his size just two years ago. Today, she got ahold of my purse, pulled out the keys, put my sunglasses on, threw the purse over her shoulder, and said to me, "Where's the car?" Yikes! And I thought that wouldn't happen until she was 16.

Yeah, we're all changing everyday, even as adults. But we are not changing anywhere as rapidly as these little people. I have to admit, it's pretty cool to watch. They're little people in progress.

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