Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Shopping with Two Kids

I thought I had planned it so well. I had taken care of almost all the gifts, but then realized there were a few more on my list. So I packed both kids in the car this morning and headed over to Burlingame Avenue.

The challenge began with parking. I had no coins in my purse and the only parking there is metered. I sat for a minute and wondered where I could run in (with both kids in my arms), get change, and run back out to the car as quickly as possible. I could see the meter maid making her rounds up and down the street.

I looked in my purse and realized I had no cash, either. So first we went to the BofA, which fortunately had a drive through ATM. Then I parked in a metered spot, changed Emil's diaper in the car, loaded him in his pouch (crying), picked up Esme (also crying), dragging them to Pete's Coffee and begging them to stop crying. They stopped just before we entered the store. Score! Not a long line, a quick cup of coffee and two dollars worth of change later we were back out to the car, fed the meter, and then began our shopping.

I had forgotten the attachments for the stroller, so Esme walked and Emil stayed in the pouch. After our initial difficulties, the shopping went pretty well. I managed to get almost all the gifts I needed in three stores because I decided going to more in search of the "perfect" gifts just wasn't going to happen. But we managed to survive getting everything on our list, including lunch, and we did it without a major meltdown!

Yes, I am super mom.

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