Thursday, October 4, 2007

To sleep, perchance to dream . . .

After a brutal first 5 days trying to teach Atticus to settle himself to sleep, I can report a little light at the end of the tunnel. He has a wonderful, long bedtime routine and now usually drops off to sleep without crying. We still have night-feeds to contend with, and I'm trying to work out where I stand on that one, but in general he is sleeping solidly from 7pm-1am. The witching hour comes around 4am when he really wants to get up and at the world. In the early days I would just tuck him in bed next to me and nurse him until I was ready to get up. Now, if I try that, he nurses and then gets up to play- thinking he's just had breakfast. So, we need to find a common ground there but, for now at least, there is a little sleep happening in our house.

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